Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I was BORN!

I had no idea what my future had in store for me. I was born. From a cosy place that was destined to be my home for a full 9 months, to a strange land where the earthly air felt so crisp cold and chilling to the bone in that time of the year. I was born.I had no idea that something so essential and so natural like the sunlight could be so blinding to my infantile eyes. I was born. I never knew what was coming next, a pair of cold hand reaching out to me, all with a sense of affection though mightbe, or maybe a cacophony of human voices, so new and at the same time so offensive to my teensy-weensy ears, voicing their excitements in hard-tried whispers. I was born. I had no idea when my next meal was going to come nor had I any idea whos turn it is going to be to attend to me in those times of inevitable dependencies on your fellow humans. YET, I WAS BORN!

So after all these years, looking back, so uncompassionate and pitiable the treatment that was meted might seem yet inside from that infantile, teensy-weensy THING rose A Person. A Human Being. Above all, A FIGHTER!!

Thats me- CALY!!